Weiss Schwarz Lackey Plugin

Instructions on how to download, install, and use LackeyCCG with the Weiss Schwarz Plugin

Set up of Lackey is pretty easy. The following will guide you through the process so you can jump into the lobby and start playing Weiss with whoever.

First, download the pre-packaged LackeyCCG client that includes the Weiss Schwarz plugin from the top of the page. The program doesn't need to actually be installed so just extract the contents of the archive then move the folder to a safe place. You will also need to install all update files. You can find instructions on how to do this on the Download page. After you have updated the plugin that run the program LackeyCCG.exe.

You will then be greeted with a screen similar to the one below. This is the main Lackey interface where you will be playing.

To be able to connect to the online matchmaking server within Lackey you will need to configure your user profile. This is about the extent of the configurations that will need to be done as I have pre-configured much of Lackey already wthin the pre-packaged archive you should have downloaded earlier. The first step is to click the Preferences tab near the top of the window. Within there is a player profile tab. The only required piece of information is th ePlayer name field. Whether you choose to supply more information is up to you. After entering in your desired infotmation press Save player Profile.

Next up is creating or loading a deck. If it is your first time playing I would suggest loading one of the pre-made decks included in the package. Each deck is a trial deck list for that serie's set. Trial decks provide a nice starting point to learn the mechanics of the game and a fairly well balanced. To access the deck editor simply press the Deck editor tab near the top of the window. To load a deck press the Browse... button up near the top-center of the window.

In the window that pops up select the deck you wish to load then press the Choose button off to the right. This will load the deck into the deck editor as well as place the deck into the recent decks list.

If you wish to create your own deck enter a name into the Deck Name field then simply double click a card within the card library to add it to the deck list. Be sure to make use of the filters in the bottom left as there are many cards in Weiss Schwarz that are available for use. Feel free to choose a series you are familar with, WS is a game that is often most fun playing with your favorites. when you are finished be sure to Press the Save Deck button near the center of the window.

Once you have a deck configured click the Server tab to connect to the matchmaking server. Within this tab just press the Connect to gamematching server to load a lobby containing other LackeyCCG users.

Within the player list are two sections. All players and Weiss Schwarz. The same is true for the games list. You will want to stay within the Weiss Schwarz list for obvious reasons. From this list you can choose to host a game or join/spectate a created game. Use the default settings in order to use Lackey's proxy server to make match making smoother. The game will run better if the host is hosting the match directly however. I won't go into detail on how to configure direct hosting, consult Lackey's website for details on configuration if you are interested.

After joining a game you will need to load your deck. In the lower left you will see your name in a section along side you ropponent. Right click your section to quick load your Weiss Scwaz deck. On the right you should see your deck loaded face down. If you do not you can toggle its view with the +/- sign in the top right of the window. Shuffling and other forms of deck manipulation are done in this interface. There are also buttons to perform commonly used mechanics of the game in the center pane right below the game board.

That should be enough to get you started with using lackeyCCG. I won't cover the rules of the actual game here as they can be found many other places online.

Lackey Executable last updated 10/19/13. Plugin last updated 6/16/14
Plugin based upon Ringo Ame's work before they got C&D from HotC.